08 May, 2010

Blinded by Science?

I find Victoria Attorney-General Rob Hulls' comment on the wrongful rape conviction of Farah Jama, which apparently was based purely on DNA 'evidence', interesting:

"This case is a wake up call for everyone involved in the criminal justice system not to be blinded by science and the so-called ‘CSI effect’"

I fully agree with the 'CSI effect' - the portrayals of who the criminal system works are science fiction bordering on fantasy. And I'm skeptical of the assertion that people know the difference between reality and a TV show; consciously that may be so, but it's the kind of beliefs that are imprinted subcosciously that

However, the part about not being 'blinded by the science' was what really got me. How can you be blinded by science? The scientific method is the best system of investigation that we know of to minimise human bias and error. It's exactly the ignorance of science that caused the problem. The people in charge didn't understand the fallibility of DNA evidence (I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they didn't do it deliberately). Only with a populace who fully understands science and trusts it can better decisions be made.

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