20 April, 2010

The Climate Needs A Nicotine Patch

Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) denial is frequently likened to the denial of the link between smoking and cancer. It's mostly the fact that in both cases very large industrial interests are behind the FUD that's being spread to discredit the science in the public's view. But it occurred to me that there is another similarity: the incapability of people affected by either issue to understand the subtle, yet inexorable changes that are being brought about.

Young smoker: "I've been smoking for years and I don't feel any different - I reckon I even feel better than I did last year. Smoking helps me feel good, I couldn't cope with the stress if I didn't have a ciggie. Nicotine patches? They don't help me pick up on a Saturday night. Those specialists are all non-smokers and just want to stop me from having a good time. Nanny state! "

Older smoker: "OK, so I'm a smoker and I've got emphesemia, but correlation doesn't equate to causation!"

Now substitute appropriately with the AGW denial catch phrases:

AGW denier: "We've been burning carbon for years and the weather's no different - I reckon it even feels cooler this year than last year. Burning fossil fuels is essential to advance society, we'd all still be in the Dark Ages without fossil fuels. Solar energy? That doesn't work at night. Those commie liberal scientists just want to shut down capitalism. One World Government!"

"OK, so often CO2 and climate change follow the same pattern, but correlation doesn't equate to causation!"

I could keep going, but I think you get the idea.

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